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Bob White
What Am I Looking At? A conviction for an OUI Third Offense is a felony, and includes mandatory jail time. For this reason, Many clients charged with a third offense elect to go to trial. A conviction on a Third Offense OUI mandates a jail sentence of at least 180 days, 150 days of which...
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What Am I Looking At? A Second Offense OUI is punishable by jail time. In some cases, however, you will qualify for an alternative disposition that will either include a period of probation or a suspended jail sentence. As part of this disposition, you will be required to attend a 14-Day Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Program....
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Am I guaranteed to get a hardship license? Unfortunately not. Especially after the passage of Melanie’s Law, the RMV is not even allowed to consider an application for a hardship license in cases of multiple OUI refusals. Additionally, even if you took the breath-test, but registered a high BAC (typically anything over .2), the registry...
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What Am I Looking At? If you have been arrested or charged with drunk driving (DUI, OUI, DWI) in Massachusetts, the statutory penalty is a fine of $500-$5,000 (depending on the circumstances) and up to 2 & 1/2 years in jail. Additionally, your license may be suspended for a period of 1 year. I thought...
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